One Tough Cookie Testimonials

Janice Schneekloth
One Tough Cookie brought me a care package just before I started chemo and it was so amazing and thoughtful. I was so grateful to know I had a support system - people in my corner who had been through this already and knew what I needed to get through it.
Rosa Clemin
Making a difference one life at a time. God bless you for what you do!
Ashleige Lettiere
I was so surprised when One Tough Cookie knocked on my door one rainy afternoon with the best care package after my double mastectomy. Not only were the cookies delicious, but the mug i received I use daily to remind myself that i am strong and this life wont get the best of me! Whats even greater is that Marie is constantly checking in on me and making sure I am okay. This isnt just care packages, its love, support, and comfort when you need it most! Thank you Marie for coming into my life so randomly and making me feel so well and supported!